we have a great update today. Here is the change log:
- DCS and BMS: G-feeling effect constant minimum vibe fixed;
- BMS: added F-16 JFS starter effect (as APU)
- BMS: Shared Memory Reader app updated;
- DCS: added effects for SA432 Gazelle;
- DCS: G-feeling effect spreaded all over the planes;
- DCS: added G-feeling effect for helos;
- DCS: added UH-1H Touchdown effect;
- DCS: added Mi-8MTV2 Gun and Payload Release/Launch effects;
- DCS: KA-50 Landing Gear effect refactored;
- DCS: KA-50 Doors Closed effect added;
- DCS: helos Payload Release gain slider for Sound mode is fixed;
- DCS: Dora engine beat effect gain adjusted (increased);
- DCS: UDP connectino in SimShaker.lua renamed to avoid collisions with other 3rd parties applications;
- DCS: small GUI improvements.
Fly with pleasure!