Thursday, September 24, 2015

How to customize JetSeat .uwv files

1. Open Jetseat Handler window and tick Use my own .uwv files check box.

2. Create a folder for your files.
In the folder you will find my samples, copied there by SimShaker.

3. Start UWVeditor utility.

4. Open up one of effect files from your folder and configure vibration pattern as you want.

Axe X - Time Scale,
Axe Y - Vibration Amplitude (0 - 255)

Left Mouse Button action:
- Drag vibration points;

Right Mouse Button actions:
- Add Vibration;
- Remove Vibration;
- Add Vibration Point;
- Remove Vibration Point;
- Expand Time Scale;
- Shrink Time Scale.

To know corresponding uwv. file(s) for a particular effect place mouse pointer on its check box at SimShaker base module GUI and read a tooltip shown. Note: for inactive (gray) check boxes tooltips are unavailable, please feel free to ask me about corresponding .uwv files.

5. After reloading SimShaker will use your updated .uwv files to create vibrations. Files in your folder will not be auto updated.

Note: having in mind some future changes I would recommend to write down somewhere names of the files you have changed.

See also Example of using UWVeditor: Ka-50 Black Shark Gun Fire effect.